FAST PJ Helmet Replica - Digital Woodland
FAST PJ Helmet Replica - Digital Woodland
A FAST PJ helmet replica by FMA made of high-quality polymer. Thanks to a low weight and a quite specific construction, the helmet is incredibly comfortable to use. The implemented webbing allows a sure and comfortable position on the User’s head while openings provide adequate ventilation.
The helmet is equipped with an adapter intended for the attachment of NVG devices as well as a set of hook and loop fasteners specially prepared and profiled with the aim of being attached to the helmet shell. They enable the attachment of various patches, like a blood type patch, unit emblems or IR markers. Alternatively, they can be used for carrying small pieces of equipment, e.g. e-lite devices.
What’s important is that the helmet is also equipped with a set of mounting rails that enables the attachment of additional equipment. The mounting modules also feature elastic cords that serve as drawstrings for NVG systems.
M / L Size - head circumference 56 - 60 cm
L / XL Size - head circumference 59 - 61 cm